On this snowy day.

It is snowing here. Through our kitchen window, he watches the snow fall, blanketing our backyard, while he tells me a story about a bird. As I notice the sleep in the corners of his eye, I wonder how it is that one moment can be so full of beauty, while the snow falls silently […]


On this cold, snowy morning, I made french toast for breakfast, with lots of maple syrup, and served it on the Toy Story plates that Santa brought for each of the boys. And then, I drank my coffee from the mug that Santa brought for me, wiped up a spill, and washed the dishes. With […]

Santa came!

Early this Christmas morning, a sleepy Aidan came down the stairs and into our living room, where we have the Christmas tree. He looked at all of the presents under the Christmas tree. *pause* Eyes widened. “Santa came!” he exclaimed, and then, he began jumping around the room. Simultaneously, Sam saw the leftover bites of […]


I have had so much fun planning and preparing for Christmas day. Beginning in October, I started making weekly Saturday morning trips to my favorite local children’s consignment shop to browse both its clothing racks for holiday outfits as well as its toy & book shelves. Each time I went there, I did not know […]